Classic Slogan
[tab title=”Parameters” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”]
[list icon=”check” color=”blue”]
- size : small, medium, large
- slogan content
- buttonText
- buttonLink
- buttonLinkTarget : new window, same frame, parent frame, full window
- class : optional
- color : optional
- buttonColor : choose from 11 color presets (optional)
- buttonBgCcolor : optional
- buttonTextColor : optional
- buttonHoverBgColor : optional
- buttonHoverTextColor : optional
- buttonIcon : optional
- butonIconColor : optional
[tab title=”Shortcode Option Panel” icon=”check” icon_color=”#3cabce”]
Shortcode Option Panel
[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”3237″ caption=”Slogan Shortcode Options Panel” alt=”Slogan Shortcode Options Panel” align=”center” icon=”zoom” width=”594″ autoHeight=”true” quality=”100″ lightbox=”true” title=”Slogan Shortcode Options Panel”]
[slogan buttonText=”More Testimonials »”]What our clients are saying[/slogan]
[toggle title=”Get The Code”]
[slogan buttonText=”More Testimonials »”]What our clients are saying[/slogan]
Slogan with frame
[framed_box][slogan buttonText=”More Testimonials »”]What our clients are saying[/slogan][/framed_box]
[toggle title=”Get The Code”]
[framed_box][slogan buttonText=”More Testimonials »”]What our clients are saying[/slogan][/framed_box]